Do you get nervous when someone passes you the aux cord? Perhaps you struggle with finding songs to fit certain social environments. Or maybe you sometimes play songs and realize no one is enjoying them but you.
If you frequently find yourself in any of these situations, chances are your taste in music, unfortunately, isn’t good.
But maybe you’re unsure. How can you know if you’re slowly destroying everyone’s eardrums if no one tells you, right?
Luckily, we’ve created a test for this exact predicament.
Do you only listen to pop, rap, or EDM?
Do you consider music with real instruments outdated?
Is any music made before the 2010s considered outdated to you?
Are all of your “favorite songs” on the Billboard Hot 100?
Does your favorite song, album, or artist change every couple of weeks or months?
If you answered yes to even one of these questions, your music taste might not be as good as you thought it was.
Still don’t believe your taste in music is that bad? Then let’s see what this sophisticated piece of A.I. has to say about your taste in music.
If you’re looking to improve the quality of music you listen to, it’s your lucky day! We’ve found a great article made for people just like you.
How To Better Your Music Taste
Another great way to improve your taste in music is to start listening to vinyl records.
Not every song or album produced makes its way to vinyl because store owners and vinyl makers understand buying a vinyl record is a long-term investment instead of a short-term decision like downloading something online. People who buy vinyl records usually only buy albums that will stand the test of time and are beautifully crafted.
Head to your local vinyl store or shop online for vinyl records from all genres and artists.
If you don’t know where even to start, we’ve got you covered.
5 Vinyl Records Everyone Should Own
Changing bad habits is always hard; realizing that your taste in music wasn’t what you thought it was is even harder. But look on the bright side, you now realize your taste in music isn’t what you thought, and you’ve got some tips on how to improve. That’s already better than 99% of people!
So what are you waiting for? Read the articles, check out our store, and take the next step to become a lover of high-quality music!